The Hawai'i County Office of Aging (HCOA) was established in 1966 and serves to represent the County of Hawai'i in the planning, coordination, advocacy, and administration of programs for older persons in the county.  The office is a designated Area Agency on Aging, enabling the county to receive federal funds through the Older Americans Act of 1965.

The Hawai'i County Office of Aging provides services to the entire island of Hawai'i.  HCOA's focus is to provide information and resources to individuals to help them "age in place".

The State Executive Office on Aging is the designated State Unit on Aging and is the lead agency in the aging network at the state level.  The Administration on Aging heads the aging network at the federal level.  


A Committee on Aging, appointed by the Mayor, assists the Office of Aging in carrying out its planning responsibilities. The majority of its members are over the age of 60 and represent every major district of Hawai'i County. (To be announced)


The Aging and Disability Resource Center provides information, resources, awareness and assistance to help connect seniors, people with disabilities and caregivers to beneficial resources.  ADRC Specialists are available to talk with individuals, caregivers and families to provide Option Counseling to help people plan for long-term support needs.

Specialists can provide information on local programs, resources and services supporting the needs of our aging and disabled population and their caregivers.  Specialists help in understanding which programs a person may qualify for and supporting a connection between person, caregivers and the programs/resources.

The ADRC provides helps facilitate connections to resources such as:

Hawai'i County Office of Aging, Hawai'i County Nutrition Program, Coordinated Services for the elderly, Legal Aid Society of Hawai'i, Hawai'i Fire Department- Paramedicine Program, SNAP Program, Medicare and Medicaid, Alzheimer's Association, other local resources.

Aging and Disability Specialists assess and refer eligible Kupuna to the Kupuna Care Program.  The Kupuna Care program can provide case management oversight, in home support and/or Adult Day Care support to qualified participants.